
Im isabel.
Fyi, i am a hardcore twlight fans.

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Monday, October 3, 2011 | 12:10 AM | 0 letters

Hi, today its me and my boyf's 7th month. Time flies so fast okay, from the first time we met until now is already pass six month. Hehe, anw i just did this video last week for my bby and i guess he liked it. I spend alomost 1 hr plus to 2 to get this done as you know its my first time using window maker thingy which i have no idea how to use it and the fugging comp is so lag until i cant even upload or what but luckily i can. Enjoy em' , share the joy with me . Hehe , i have to off compt and go eat right now . My bby is outside my house waiting for me to quickly eat my lunch and anw im very very hungry. See ya!