
Im isabel.
Fyi, i am a hardcore twlight fans.

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Monday, September 19, 2011 | 1:17 AM | 0 letters

I don't define how much i love you, is either alot or no.

Hi, taking alot of picture thru my cammy. Will be uploading em' right away when my lap is less laggy. Its soo laggy right now, can't even download songs but luckily blogger was not that lag.

Noadays contact lens coming out with more and more series, everyone should just go get yourself a pair of contact lens. I recommened, barbie sweet series, dolce series and misty series. I am getting my lens in just few days or so. Lens reaching in just a day time. You should go and get em' but must remember okay, must buy those that can really reach your hand. Cause nowadays HSA is very strict with contact lens shipping.

My boyf is doing his CSO, and he's finishing in 20 min time or so. Time spend with him will be lesser. DO Y'KNOW WHAT ? Im so sad i swear. And the second reason is, i cant see my bunnies for a week. -.- hope time pass fast to friday. This friday will have my bunny groomed, my groomers will come ard 3 plus. My bunnies have been fighting, and i asked and camed to know that my bun bun may have kids. Hell yeah! Hehe, been waiting for her to get pregnant for a long time, but i don't know if she is too small for her age to have kids.

Will update next time, takecare readers'