
Im isabel.
Fyi, i am a hardcore twlight fans.

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Monday, September 19, 2011 | 11:35 PM | 0 letters

You are in control of me.

Ohmy, i look like some kind of auntie out there do i ? Hehe, anw i was damn sad lah. Today can't buy the lop ear as the girl ask for a change of day. Today everything seems to be going the opposite from what i wanted it to be. Unlucky fuck. My lens coming today or so, hehe so excited about wearing them. Buying the diamond 2 tone red next week.

I know that every couples quarrels, but i hate it i swear plus im in a bad mood this few days. The feeling is just so fucked up alright. Zxc, i also don't know what the fuck can i do to stop aving moodswing. Anyone have a way ?