
Im isabel.
Fyi, i am a hardcore twlight fans.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012 | 10:36 PM | 0 letters

Hi guys,

Didn't see me attend school for so long ? Yeap, have quit-ed. Mom had me enrolled in a beauty base private school. Will be attending school this august 1st, feeling excited cause its moving nearer to the date of enrolment.

I hae total cut all contacts from the outside world. Cause im happly enjoying the company of my boyfriend. Yeap, we've ben together for 1 year and 4 mths, a total breakthrough for me. Can you imagine that ? Haha, we are still together. What does we do together ?

Firstly, my partner would make an effort to meet me everyday at my house. We than would talk about games, past and alot of rubbish stuffs ect. We both have create a liking to a game named ' The World Of Magic ' Its a rpg game that has pvp and you'll get to makes friend with other country people. Haha have make-d some. Everyday non-stop of training have make us lvl real fast and now we're reaching lvl 40 soon. Btw the exp that you'll receive in game are terrribily low.

I'll update it again, seeya guys. Have fun in your life.