
Im isabel.
Fyi, i am a hardcore twlight fans.

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New beginings.
Saturday, September 1, 2012 | 11:33 PM | 0 letters

Ok, hi. I have left my blog empty for so long that it started to 'rot'.

I have started going to a new school, Immanuel beauty school, and make new friends, Ash ; Nico ; Xinyuan. My lecturer is also very nice to us, teach us new thing new stuff like manicure pedicure ect. I was never late for school ok, can you even believe i will auto wake up at 7 morning to get ready for the day. Its like my body clock has changed instanly. Now we are studying the 2nd syllabus, waxing. Eww, iam totally not interested. You can very well see it from my eager-ness in doing the praticle. I want to start facial/ makeup as quick. But anyway, it was fun. Any girls out there who were not interested in acadamic can very well ask your councellor or your mum to jolly find out the number of the school and get you sign up for the class.


Im so delighted ok, 11 more days to my birthday. Thinking of heading to bugis with my classmates, than meet my boyfriend after. Hehe, he is now working so he can bring me out for date. Tml is our 1yr 6 month and its like we just meet yesterday that feeling. Its so damn fast, times flies even faster than we've known. Now im at home waiting for my bf to finish working and i will have gongcha later on hehehe. ^^ im hungry right now. 2 hr more .. update next time with more pictures k <3 have a good weekend.